Welcome to the new NEUDOSE hardware series! Over the coming weeks we’ll be introducing you to the essential NEUDOSE hardware we use, what it does, and how it works. This week’s hardware post is focusing on the payload team’s Data Acquisition module (DAM), which can be seen on image 2. In Image 3, the DAM is the blue PCB located underneath the Payload assembly. Keep reading to learn more about this hardware!
Q: What is the DAM?
A: The Data Acquisition Module (or DAM for short) is the brain of the payload on NEUDOSE. It controls and monitors all electronic components and instruments in the Payload section of the CubeSat. The DAM is mounted at the bottom of the Charged and Neutral Particle Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (CNP-TEPC), and interfaces with the Pressure Vessel, Anti Coincidence Detector (ACD) as well as the rest of the satellite.
Q: What is the DAM used for?
A: The DAM is responsible for reading data from the Charged and Neutral Particle Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (CNP-TEPC), Anti Coincidence Detector, and monitoring the status of several sensors throughout the payload subsystem. The DAM reads the data obtained from each sensor and instrument, processes this data, and then communicates this data to the rest of the satellite. In addition to the reading and transmitting data, the DAM is also responsible for converting and distributing power to each of the electrical components in the payload subsystem.
The DAM also has firmware uploaded in order to detect and differentiate particle interactions based on the signals sent from the ACD (anti coincidence detector) and TEPC (tissue equivalent proportional counter) instruments.