1) What does payload do?
The payload team is responsible for the scientific payload of NEUDOSE, which is the Charged and Neutral Particle Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (CNP-TEPC). The CNP-TEPC is an advanced radiation monitoring instrument.
2) What does CNP-TEPC do?
The CNP-TEPC is being developed to separately measure the interaction of charged particles and neutrons in low Earth orbit in real time (for the first time). This is essential to our mission of studying the effects of ionizing radiation on the human body.
3) How it works
The instrument consists of two detector technologies which are combined. This permits for real-time separation of absorbed dose and quality factors from the charged particles and neutrons. The combination of the segmented spherical Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter and the anti-coincidence detectors helps to separate the neutron component of lineal energy which is produced by the charged particles.
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