McMaster Noodles: Endless pastabilities


HAMILTON - The management team of the McMaster Interdisciplinary Satellite Team would like to officially announce the inclusion of a new piece of payload in the satellite set to launch from the ISS in 2021, launching the world into a new era – the Age of Spaceghetti.

The payload team decided to include packets of noodles in the payload to demonstrate the effects of non-ionizing radiation on the average college undergraduate student. At approximately 15x12x3 cm each, 3.7 ramen packets are able to fit within the 2U CubeSat being sent as part of the mission McMaster NOODLES (formerly McMaster NEUDOSE). 

Using this tried and true method of “Ravioli Ravioli Give Me the Formuoli” to generate data, the much-antipasted results may help us to dishcover the risks of consuming instant ramen in space. 

Since the astronauts aboard the ISS like to eat pasta, we are also helping do our part to help supply. The alternative of stacking up ramen packets up to the altitude of the ISS (400 km) would require over 13 million packets to reach our astronauts. Space-pasta exploration is a growing field and this is only one of endless pasta-bilities for our team!

Thanks for supporting McMaster NOODLES!